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Ep. 3 | Move To Leadership / Eldridge & Annemarie Labinjo-Van der Meulen

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” ~Alvin Toffler. For this episode I spoke to Eldridge Labinjo and Annemarie Labinjo-van der Meulen. 

Both Eldrigde and Annemarie, had a flying career as professional dancers and now work as master coaches, movement and leadership trainers under the flag of Move To Leadership. As former professional dancers, they use their unique skillsets in order to coach people in communication skills, public speaking and personal and emotional development. In the episode they share about the life of a professional dancer and why you and me, just like them, are dancers of our own.

More about Eldridge and Annemarie here.

Eldridge & Annemarie Labinjo - Van der Meulen
Master Coaches

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Ep. 3 | Move To Leadership / Eldridge & Annemarie Labinjo-Van der Meulen